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Music Production by AMIT HAI COHEN 
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Neta Elkayam | Artistic director,

vocals, percussion    

Amit Hai Cohen | Musical production,

Piano, keyboard,  computer

Tal Avraham |  trumpet 

Gabriel MandeI | Sound engineer


Management: M'hamed El Menjra

The show is inspired by a long-term research and creation project of Neta Elkayam and Amit Hai Cohen about the Arénas transit camps that were located in Marseille in the South of France. 

"Just before the fall.

Not here, not there, a temporary break between past and future, a vacuum. I found refuge in the transit camp "Arénas" in Marseille. The 60's archival recordings, hums and mutterings of immigrant women and melodies interrupted by a baby's cry, an embarrassed laugh, the clatter of pots...

 trembling sentence and the voice of a woman continued to echo in my head and created an avalanche of words...

This is how the show of electro-atlas music was born."


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